Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Britain's Oldest ASBO

Here are two that I found:-


Dorothy Evans is aged 81.


Arthur Burgess is aged 82.

I hope the Pigs that arrested these two are suitably proud of themselves!


Although this happened a couple of weeks ago, it does need some comment.

See the BBC link giving a brief description:-


You can also find other related links to this story in 'The Western Telegraph' & 'The Western Mail'.

I have something of a personal interest in the proceedings as, if you're familiar with the theory of Stanley Milgram entitled 'Six Degrees of Separation', I am acquainted with the youth who struck the allegedly fatal blow and I was also acquainted with the deceased.

The deceased man, Paul Roberts, nicknamed smurf, was known to me personally, he had been a customer of mine in the past and we would pass the 'time of day' if encountering one another in the street etc.

As for the youth who was accused of striking Mr Roberts, he comes from decent enough parents who contribute to society by going out to work each day. Now this youth left school at 16 with little or no qualifications and consequently no prospects. He is the type that will either be lucky and find regular employment, or he will fall by the wayside and end up criminalised like so many of today's youngsters, he may even be 'known' to Police.

When I initially learned of this incident, it was being touted as the callous and cold blooded murder of an innocent man who was walking home after a night out, being set upon by two yobbos and beaten insensible, resulting in death some days later.*1

This 'version' didn't tally with the press reposts that emerged in the week that followed, which alleged that some altercation had taken place and that the victim had been felled by just one or two blows.

My wife, by accident, encountered the parents of the youth known to me in early November and they gave a slightly different version of events, which it appears was the truth. The parents of the youth charged with murder suggested to my spouse that the two youths encountered something of a domestic incident at the spot in question, with Mr Roberts acting in rather an enraged manner, it also appears that he was heavily intoxicated. The youths intervened*2 and Mr Roberts apparently turned his wrath upon them, this was when the single blow was placed upon the person of Mr Roberts who fell and struck his head resulting in his tragic death. The youth maintained that his action was self defence throughout.

There are very few Criminal Solicitors in West Wales, but the youth was represented by Paul Layton who is widely regarded as an excellent defence solicitor, although I do not know what Barrister was contracted to represent the youth at Swansea Crown Court, both Barrister and Solicitor were in agreement that there was no case to answer and that the prosecution was weak.

As events transpired, both youths have been acquitted by the jury, who took less than an hour to reach their unanimous verdict.


Both of the accused were held in custody from Early September until early December, will they
now be entitled to compensation?

I have experience of the Police attempting to discredit those that they are seeking to charge with an offence, it certainly appears that they again attempted to do so in this case.

What a complete waste of Public Money! Yet again!!

*1 The source of this 'version' of events came directly from the Police.

*2 Never get involved, call the Police if you feel strongly and let them sort it out, but when you do get involved personally in any incident your motives will be unimportant to the Police, they are only interested in getting 'detections' for their Performance Indicator's, they couldn't care less about how they achieve those detections!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Deaths In Police Custody

Read the articles and weep


FACT: You're more likely to be arrested or brutalised by Police if you're black!

FACT: You've got more chance of dying in Police Custody if you're black!

FACT: The Police don't like Article 2 Of THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT - Right To Life! Unless it's their own lives, which they bleat on about risking every time they purchase a bottle of milk!

The Changing Face Of Britain

Please take a look at this article by Amelia Hill extrapolating upon the ethnic diversity in our cities


Without ethnic groups to single out, abuse and harass, just who will the Police end up hating? Apart from EVERYONE, that is.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Merry Christmas


A police website for crime tip-offs has been axed because officers failed to check it out. The site, www.police.uk, was launched so people could post intelligence about yobs and anti-social behaviour. Reports would be sent for action and "crime maps" drawn up. But the £3million service was ignored by forces nationwide. Project leader Chief Constable Peter Neyroud admitted, "Only a handful used it to any significant degree. Expenditure of such a large sum on a narrowly distributed service could not be justified." It is believed officers were reluctant to use the site because they did not want more crimes reported, so pushing up crime rates.


I have for a long time been very unhappy with the British Police and recently that dismay has been transformed into open hostility.

This wasn't always so. I was brought up to respect and obey all Policemen, after all they were the good guys, plus I had a couple of close relations that were Police Officers, I also have several old friends who are serving coppers, though I wouldn't wish to pass the time of day with any of them now! I even contemplated joining the Police many years ago when I was informed that my eyesight wasn't adequate to embark upon my chosen career with The Royal Air Force, after all the Police salary was very good and there was accelerated graduate promotion too. Thank heavens that I was offered a post as a Trainee Accountant with Bass!

Many people, who will go through life with little or no contact with the Police, preserve an image of the 'good old British Bobby', 'George Dixon', 'The Blue Lamp' and make this their mantra, yet they will complain bitterly about their MP, Local Authority, price of petrol, car parking etc.
Those of us who have had contact with the Police, either as victims of crime, perpetrators of crime, or simply in the course of going about our lawful business, build up a dissatisfaction that ranges from being a little bit irked up to full blown hatred.

At the time of writing there has been some furore regarding the Government's refusal to backdate the Police pay award http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7129957.stm, it appears that serving coppers are surprised at the public apathy and disinterest towards their selfish complaining, it goes to demonstrate just how detached the Police are from society.

A research study conducted by TARP research back in 1999 discovered that on average an unhappy customer will tell 10 people about their experience. In turn, these 10 people will each tell a further 5 people, meaning that a total of 50 people will have heard about their bad experience. A sobering thought, wouldn’t you say?
What’s even more frightening, however, is that if we work on the basis that only one out of every ten of your dissatisfied customers registers a complaint with you, then in total, for every formal complaint you receive, 500 people will have heard about your customers’ problems!
Customers very rarely complain to the service/ product provider. Instead they will tell their friends, who will in turn tell their friends, creating a pyramid of dissatisfaction. (source:Federation of Small Businesses)

The Police aren't interested in 'customer satisfaction' and they don't care for your opinion, unless you are one of the pro-Police sycophants. The Police aren't interested that I am personally hostile, through their own fault, or you, or you, or you, even YOU! The Police can make our lives difficult and ultimately control us by force, so why should they even consider our opinions! The Police therefore become increasingly detached from the community that they are supposed to serve and are surprised,even indignant, when people fail to report crimes, make statements, act as witnesses etc. The current initiative of Neighbourhood Policing, largely based upon Police Community Support Officers, might go some way to forging a bond between the populace and the Police, but it's a very large gulf!

Finally, ".....I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.....", so don't expect to see any links to "Copper saves kitten" type stories on this blog, there is a vast spin machine out there praising the Police, I intend to post about their 'dark side' and I hope you've got plenty of examples too.....