Here it is:-

If you take a look at the force who police my area, Dyfed-Powys, they seem to have stuck with the traditional badge.
Now if Lothian & Borders had stuck to the old badge, nothing wrong with it, they might have been able to pay the few measly quid in pay rise that all the filth were bleating on about so vociferously, YES I KNOW THEY'RE DIFFERENT BUDGETS! Just making a point.
Actually, I can see their point to an extent, so I've designed a logo that every Police for can use, in fact it should replace all the cap and helmet badges too:-
This is who we are
This is what we do
If the relevant chief constables & commissioner would kindly donate their £120k's to NACRO please.
Re: your header at the top of the page.
"This is the Police blog that 'make's a difference'"
There's no apostrophe in "makes" you nonce.
By the way, regarding your "This is who we are, this is what we do" poster:
Hitting violent people and arresting them is not all the police do. More biased and one-sided writing from you, but should we expect anything else?
Would you use a scenario like this as your logo?
You're not a friend of Clarkey are you? He lives in Lalaland.
I've smoked a bit of draw in the past but I'm desperate to serve the community, I've given up the weed and ready to take up arms, how do I become a PCSO
God this is a complex site, where are the chat rooms, I have a lot of love to give to the right person
Having stayed awake after the first post to try and get a fair picture of where you are comoing from. I think I can read you brother.
You are one of these right thinking individuals who knows the way this country should be run.
So thank you to you and your ilk for turning this green and pleasant land into a hellhole where young thugs run free to kill and maim innocents who are simply trying to protect their property.
Property that they will have worked long and hard to obtain ( Have YOU tried that concept) its where you turn up at a given time and do what you are asked to do and someone hands you money for it.
Oops sorry you do that already when you collect your giro.
Crawl back under the stone where you belong you worthless tosser
i salute the officer who gave you the parking ticket/speeding fine
although that strike across your head with a baton has knocked you doolally
Well said Jack
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