Wednesday, 20 February 2008


A rare celebrity left winger in a vile soup of right wing commentators and the right wing gutter press, I sincerely hope that Tommy and his family, colleagues and friends are suffering malicious prosecution and that, more importantly, they will be able to prove it.

Gail Sheridan suffered the indignity of having a bunch of goons ransacking her house back in December causing distress to both Gail and her young child. Now both Gail and Tommy have seen the inside of a cell and experienced the unpleasant fingerprinting and DNA swabbing that the pigs enjoy doing so much!

Tommy was magnanimous after his bail in December saying that he still supported the Police in their pay dispute, here is an extract of what he had to say yesterday:-

"It would appear the streets of Edinburgh … must be crime-free that the police have so much time on their hands that they can harass a family and a group of people who have committed no crime other than be friends or relatives of mine. As a family, we are outraged at the way we have been treated. But we are absolutely determined we will fight on."

Brother, my hopes and prayers are with you.


Jack Gough said...

And I wonder if they are found guilty of perjury in court, you will still condone their actions.

By the way, Sheridan is a left winger in a 'vile soup' of left wing and socialist gutter media in Scotland, including the BBC, Daily Record, Scottish Sun, The Herald et al. I doubt very many if at all any people in England and Wales have even heard of this political non-entity. Perhaps some might have seen or heard him standing on an upturned fruit crate on Argyle Street bleating into a megaphone, selling Militant propaganda during a visit to Glasgow in the late 80s. Or, of course, anyone who frequents certain establishments in Manchester may well know him as he is alleged to have gone there. But he says he didn't and I believe him...

Yes, he said he was supporting the police pay deal, but if you believe that was anything other than a cheap excuse to have a dig at the New Labour government, you are seriously short sighted.

And it's nice to read that quote again where he admits that simply knowing him is a crime. If there is any offence committed by Sheridan or his vodka miniature thieving (allegedly) wife, it is overuse of fake tan, which as far as I am concerned amounts to a Breach of the Peace.

Anyway, another bit more ink in the printer every time Tommy's record is printed out. When, oh when, will he grow up and stop trying to pretend he is some kind of socialist hero?

Anonymous said...

Did the Sheridans complain to the police about the goons ransacking their house?

You are Clarkey. Aren't you?

Jack Gough said...

But of course they did Jerry. Making spurious complaints against the Police is the way to go now for any self-respecting wannabe anarchist, dontchaknow?